When I sat down to start this blog and write about the topics I would want to discuss, this is the first thing that came onto the paper. It is at the top of my mind daily and at the top of everyone’s mind during this chaotic season. I find that most of my friends (and even strangers, neighbors and others I cross paths with) are battling with the same issue: Do I even like what I am doing with my life? I have been in this place more than I would like to admit, even before this pandemic. I am the type of person who never stays in a place too long if I feel it isn’t right for me. Which has had its pros and cons and is another blog post entirely. But I guess the question we all want to know is, am I on the right path? Having so much time to yourself and working from home and slowing down really allows that space to look at yourself and what you really want. I am not an expert on life or at anything really for that matter. But this blog is to share my story and hope to encourage and inspire others based on my experiences. There is no better time than now to reach out to God and ask these questions. Lord, am I where you want me to be? So many times we tend to say I am not happy, I am bored, I am overworked, I am not passionate about this, and the list goes on. But the real question is: Is God at work where you are? Is he using you for His purposes where you are? Of course he is ALWAYS working. But in your career, is it possible to shift the focus to find what He is doing and join him in that. For example, you may be working hard for a promotion. You may have your eyes on exactly where you want to be and are in the never ending rat race to attain it. Out of left field, your boss asks you to head a smaller project. Something you feel is a step back or “beneath you”. You turn it down. Perhaps if you had taken this opportunity, you would have been able to mentor and guide people who desperately need it. Or maybe there is a nonbeliever involved in the project and seeing your work ethic, faith and trust in God, it plants a seed. I think it’s something to consider. Or possibly you are not happy at your current job and you get a job opportunity for one that has been on your heart. Yet, the pay is way less. You turn it down without a second thought because how could you survive on way less? Perhaps if you took it, the Lord would provide. Maybe, you would make less, but your heart would be more fulfilled. We do not have the resources or the way, but He does. Hearing God is more than just a feeling. It is more than just a sign. According to one of my favorite devotional studies of all time “Experiencing God”, truly hearing Him includes prayer, divine circumstance, reading the word, and feeling moved by the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of being like “ welp! That’s a sign! I’m acting on it!” especially if what you are going through is painful. But I encourage you to just be still. To be prayerfully obedient. So many of us have dreams and aspirations or even daily tasks that we desire to accomplish and invite or ask God to bless it and help us achieve it. But true servants of God, see where he is working, and join him in that. If you’ve prayed, had signs or circumstances put you in a position to move on or do something different, but you are scared, I encourage you to leap. The lord will bless your path. I know I know, youre thinking but its HUGE. What if it’s the wrong move? What if it wasn’t really God I was hearing? And on and on. This is not the blog to tell you to play it safe. I believe the Lord delights in courageous acts of faith. He will not always tell you how it’s going to pan out, but if you trust him, he will bless you far beyond what you can imagine.