I have struggled on where to start when it comes to sharing my story with you all. I got some great advice from a friend: just start. Realizing that I could never fit my entire testimony into one article, I will write it as I go and as I feel called. So here we go!
It has been over 3 years since I had my c3/c4 disc replacement surgery. It was one of the scariest things and best things I’ve done in my life. I was super young to have this kind of surgery but I was hit at high velocity (he was going 30-40 mph and I was stopped at a light) from the back by someone texting and driving. I walked away from this accident, but my head was smashed into my steering wheel and my nose immediately started draining clear fluid (this is called cerebrospinal fluid. It surrounds your brain within your skull, cushioning your brain from movement. It happens after a head injury). And of course, from the whiplash, I got a herniated disc in my neck. Anyways, this caused a LONG journey of pain, stress and more.
I felt better post surgery, but it sure slowed me down at first. A few months after the accident, I was taking a box off the shelf at Home Depot and someone had slipped a blade into it facing outward. Apparently that’s a thing people do when they’re jerks. It was small, but it went straight into my chest. There I was gushing blood in the middle of Home Depot. This started a whole other journey of making sure I would heal properly. I have breast implants and it was a concern. It turns out, in both accidents, God was right there with me, because they both could have been WAY worse.
Sometimes I look at my life and it seems like I’ve lived three lives. God has had me go through A LOT. And I know He’s still not finished with me yet. I hope I can be a testimony to somebody who just feels tired, wants to give up or doesn’t think they can keep going. Hear me when I say: With Him you can. I’ve been on my knees more times than I can count crying out to Him. It’s taken me a lot of those, but I know now that He was there every time. He doesn’t allow you to go through something you can’t handle and something He isn’t going to do something with. TRUST that He is going to do something. If you can’t hear Him, trust that He is working behind the scenes. My husband once told me that when you look up and see the clouds, that is the Lord kicking up dust. And I believe it. Know that He sees you and He is working! No matter what you’ve been through.